Results for 'Stephan van der Waart van Gulik'

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  1.  70
    Adaptive fuzzy logics for contextual hedge interpretation.Stephan van der Waart van Gulik - 2009 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 18 (3):333-356.
    The article presents several adaptive fuzzy hedge logics. These logics are designed to perform a specific kind of hedge detection. Given a premise set Γ that represents a series of communicated statements, the logics can check whether some predicate occurring in Γ may be interpreted as being (implicitly) hedged by technically, strictly speaking or loosely speaking, or simply non-hedged. The logics take into account both the logical constraints of the premise set as well as conceptual information concerning the meaning of (...)
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    A Generic Framework for Adaptive Vague Logics.Peter Verdée & Stephan van der Waart van Gulik - 2008 - Studia Logica 90 (3):385-405.
    In this paper, we present a generic format for adaptive vague logics. Logics based on this format are able to (1) identify sentences as vague or non-vague in light of a given set of premises, and to (2) dynamically adjust the possible set of inferences in accordance with these identifications, i.e. sentences that are identified as vague allow only for the application of vague inference rules and sentences that are identified as non-vague also allow for the application of some extra (...)
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  3. P. Verdée S. van der Waart van Gulik.S. Van der Waart van Gulik - 2006 - Studia Logica 82:1-26.
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    Adaptive Fuzzy Logics for Contextual Hedge Interpretation.Stephan Waart van Gulik - 2009 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 18 (3):333-356.
    The article presents several adaptive fuzzy hedge logics. These logics are designed to perform a specific kind of hedge detection. Given a premise set Γ that represents a series of communicated statements, the logics can check whether some predicate occurring in Γ may be interpreted as being (implicitly) hedged by technically, strictly speaking or loosely speaking, or simply non-hedged. The logics take into account both the logical constraints of the premise set as well as conceptual information concerning the meaning of (...)
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  5. Adaptive fuzzy logics for contextual hedge interpretation.Stephan der Waart van Gulivank - 2009 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 18 (3).
    The article presents several adaptive fuzzy hedge logics . These logics are designed to perform a specific kind of hedge detection. Given a premise set Γ that represents a series of communicated statements, the logics can check whether some predicate occurring in Γ may be interpreted as being (implicitly) hedged by technically , strictly speaking or loosely speaking , or simply non-hedged. The logics take into account both the logical constraints of the premise set as well as conceptual information concerning (...)
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    A generic framework for adaptive vague logics.Peter Verdée & Stephan der Waart van Gulivank - 2008 - Studia Logica 90 (3):385 - 405.
    In this paper, we present a generic format for adaptive vague logics. Logics based on this format are able to (1) identify sentences as vague or non-vague in light of a given set of premises, and to (2) dynamically adjust the possible set of inferences in accordance with these identifications, i.e. sentences that are identified as vague allow only for the application of vague inference rules and sentences that are identified as non-vague also allow for the application of some extra (...)
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    The contours of evolution: In defence of Darwin's tree of life paradigm.Peter T. S. van der Gulik, Wouter D. Hoff & Dave Speijer - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (5):2400012.
    Both the concept of a Darwinian tree of life (TOL) and the possibility of its accurate reconstruction have been much criticized. Criticisms mostly revolve around the extensive occurrence of lateral gene transfer (LGT), instances of uptake of complete organisms to become organelles (with the associated subsequent gene transfer to the nucleus), as well as the implications of more subtle aspects of the biological species concept. Here we argue that none of these criticisms are sufficient to abandon the valuable TOL concept (...)
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    Narrative identity in schizophrenia.Stéphane Raffard, Arnaud D’Argembeau, Claudia Lardi, Sophie Bayard, Jean-Philippe Boulenger & Martial Van der Linden - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (1):328-340.
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    Boekbesprekingen.Willem A. M. Beuken, P. C. Beentjes, Bart J. Koet, Theo de Kruijf, Hans Vandenholen, L. van Tongeren, Frans Vervooren, Liuwe H. Westra, Arie L. Molendijk, Stephan van Erp, A. J. M. van der Helm, R. Munnik, Walter Van Herck, Marin Terpstra, H. Göns, A. Poncelet, Johan Taels & D. C. Mulder - 1998 - Bijdragen 59 (3):338-362.
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    Stephan J. Joubert (South African academic and visionary): His response to questions related to his academic views.Stephan J. Joubert & Jan G. Van der Watt - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4).
    This article reflects a conversation between Jan G. van der Watt and Stephan Joubert. The article serves as the introduction to the Special Collection: ‘From timely exegesis to contemporary ecclesiology: Relevant hermeneutics and provocative embodiment of faith in a Corona-defined world – Festschrift for Stephan Joubert, sub-edited by Willem Oliver ’. Following a brief bio-statement as introduction, the following issues are discussed: the collection for the Jerusalem church; relevance of theology for society; social-scientific exegesis; the ancient concept of (...)
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  11.  25
    ‘BIG, HARD and UP!’ A healthy creed for men to live by?Stephan van der Watt - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (2):1-9.
    The social construction of reality is influenced extensively by the mass media. Commercialised images of masculinity, including discourses to interpret it, are continuously reflected and/or created by sources of mass media, in a myriad of ways. These images are subjectively loaded, but still effectively communicate to us, and even entice and persuade us. It furthermore wields extensive power over men - especially over their self-images, passions, and egos. In this article, dominating images and discourses concerning manhood and male identity - (...)
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  12.  27
    Collaborative International Research: Ethical and Regulatory Issues Pertaining to Human Biological Materials at a S outh A frican Institutional Research Ethics Committee.Aslam Sathar, Amaboo Dhai & Stephan van der Linde - 2014 - Developing World Bioethics 14 (3):150-157.
    Human Biological Materials (HBMs) are an invaluable resource in biomedical research.ObjectiveTo determine if researchers and a Research Ethics Committee (REC) at a South African institution addressed ethical issues pertaining to HBMs in collaborative research with developed countries.Study DesignEthically approved retrospective cross‐sectional descriptive audit.ResultsOf the 1305 protocols audited, 151 (11.57%) fulfilled the study's inclusion criteria. Compared to other developed countries, a majority of sponsors (90) were from the USA (p = 0.0001). The principle investigators (PIs) in all 151 protocols informed the (...)
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  13.  80
    The Role of Inhibitory Control, Attention and Vocabulary in Physical Aggression Trajectories From Infancy to Toddlerhood.Dide S. van Adrichem, Stephan C. J. Huijbregts, Kristiaan B. van der Heijden, Stephanie H. M. van Goozen & Hanna Swaab - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Cross-Cultural Differences in the Valuing of Dominance by Young Children.Rawan Charafeddine, Hugo Mercier, Takahiro Yamada, Tomoko Matsui, Mioko Sudo, Patrick Germain, Stéphane Bernard, Thomas Castelain & Jean-Baptiste Van der Henst - 2019 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 19 (3-4):256-272.
    Developmental research suggests that young children tend to value dominant individuals over subordinates. This research, however, has nearly exclusively been carried out in Western cultures, and cross-cultural research among adults has revealed cultural differences in the valuing of dominance. In particular, it seems that Japanese culture, relative to many Western cultures, values dominance less. We conducted two experiments to test whether this difference would be observed in preschoolers. In Experiment 1, preschoolers in France and in Japan were asked to identify (...)
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    Too Imperfect to Fall Asleep: Perfectionism, Pre-sleep Counterfactual Processing, and Insomnia.Ralph E. Schmidt, Delphine S. Courvoisier, Stéphane Cullati, Rainer Kraehenmann & Martial Van der Linden - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Het probleem Van de deformalisatie Van de ethiek naar aanleiding Van Kant.Stephan Strasser - 1981 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 43 (3):465 - 486.
    Seit dem Auftreten von Emmanuel Levinas ist die Frage hinsichtlich einer Deformalisierung der Ethik wieder aktuell geworden. Es liegt vor der Hand, Levinas' Fundamentalethik mit der Kants zu vergleichen. — Worin besteht der vielbesprochene „Formalismus” der Kantschen Moral? Keinesfalls kann von einer gänzlichen Verkennung der inhaltlichen Bestimmungsgründe des Willens die Rede sein. Eher könnte man darauf hinweisen, dasz Kant die Verwurzelung gewisser kategorischer Imperative in typischen sozial-historischen gesellschaftlichen Strukturen zu wenig Gewicht beigemessen hat. Auch die Problematik der asymmetrischen Beziehungen, der (...)
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  17.  39
    Beschouwingen over „intimiteit” naar aanleiding Van publikaties Van Jos Van ussel.Stephan Strasser - 1979 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 41 (1):83 - 103.
    In einer Reihe von philosophischen Meditationen setzt sich der Verfasser mit dem im modernen gesellschaftlichen Leben so schmerzlich empfundenen Mangel an Intimität auseinander und mit dem verschiedenen Versuchen, diesem Übel abzuhelfen. Das Buch des Flamen Van Ussel „Intimiteit” bildet seinen Ausgangspunkt. Sorgfältig abwägende kritische Betrachtungen bieten dem Verfasser Gelegenheit, Probleme zu behandeln, die indirekt mit der Initimität zusammenhängen und dabei der Sichtweise einiger bedeutender Philosophen und Humanwissenschaftler Rechnung zu tragen : Probleme, die u. a. die menschliche Leiblichkeit, das Wohnen und (...)
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  18.  31
    De eenheid Van Martin Buber's filosofische geschriften.Stephan Strasser - 1979 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 41 (2):260 - 278.
    Die im ersten Band der „Werke” Bubers unter dem Titel „Schriften zur Philosophie” herausgegebenen Publikationen behandeln vielfach Probleme der Theologie, der Mystik, der Erziehungswissenschaften, Psychologie, Psychotherapie, Soziologie und Politik. Der Verfasser fragt sich, ob dieser heterogenen Vielfalt eine gedankliche Einheit innewohnt. Wenn man grundsätzlich zwischen Religionsphilosophie und Theologie unterscheidet, wenn man ferner annimmt, dasz die Philosophie sich auf ein Feld nichtphilosophischer Erfahrungen besinnen kann, ohne darum ihren philosophischen Charakter einzubüszen, dann kann diese Frage bejaht werden. Allerdings trägt Bubers philosophische Besinnung (...)
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  19. Possible Logics for Belief.W. Van Der Hoek - 1989 - Dissertation, Vrije University
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  20.  11
    A logical approach to the dynamics of commitments.J. -J. Ch Meyer, W. van der Hoek & B. van Linder - 1999 - Artificial Intelligence 113 (1-2):1-40.
  21.  27
    Succinctness of Epistemic Languages.Barteld Kooi, Wiebe van der Hoek, Petar Iliev & Tim French - unknown
    Tim French, Wiebe van der Hoek, Petar Iliev and Barteld Kooi. Succinctness of Epistemic Languages. In: T. Walsh (editor). Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-11), pp. 881-886, AAAI Press, Menlo Park.
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  22. How to Do Things with Metaphor? Introduction to the Issue.Cor Van Der Weele & Marianne van den Boomen - 2008 - Configurations 16 (1):1-10.
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    Academische armoede. Een redactionele inleiding op het thema.P. van der Hoeven & J. M. Waterreus - 2000 - Idee 21 (4):8.
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  24. A catholic-labour alliance? The catholic press and the new zealand labour party 1916-1939.C. van der Krogt - 2001 - The Australasian Catholic Record 78 (1):16-29.
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  25. Aristoteles: Die Mitte in seinem Denken.Jan van der Meulen - 1952 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 57 (4):461-463.
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  26.  21
    Climate Change Mitigation and the U.N. Security Council: A Just War Analysis.Harry van der Linden - 2019 - In Jennifer Kling (ed.), Pacifism, Politics, and Feminism: Intersections and Innovations. The Netherlands: Brill | Rodopi. pp. 117-136.
    Should the U.N. Security Council use its coercive powers to bring about effective climate change mitigation? This question remains relevant considering the inadequate mitigation goals set by the signatories of the Paris Climate Accord and the ramifications of U.S. withdrawal from the Accord. This paper argues that the option of the unsc coercing climate change mitigation through military action, or the threat thereof, is morally flawed and ultimately antithetical to effectively addressing climate change. This assessment is based significantly on the (...)
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  27.  14
    Collingwoods Claim that History is a Science.Jan van der Dussen - 2007 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 13 (2):5-30.
    This article takes seriously Collingwood's claim that history is a science and explores what he could have meant by this contention. The essence of his claim is the inferential nature of history, but its specific character was not fully explored. It is argued that the type of inference he hinted at was abduction as developed by Peirce. The importance of this type of reasoning is increasingly endorsed in contemporary debates, and Collingwood's ideas on the scientific status of history turn out (...)
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  28.  21
    Components of language and SLI.Heather K. J. van der Lely - 2005 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 9 (2):53-59.
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    Culinary Turn: Küche, Kochen Und Essen Als Ästhetische Praxis / Aesthetic Practice of Cookery.Nicolaj van der Meulen (ed.) - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    Kitchen, cooking, nutrition, and eating have become omnipresent cultural topics. They stand at the center of design, gastronomy, nutrition science, and agriculture. Artists have appropriated cooking as an aesthetic practice - in turn, cooks are adapting the staging practices that go with an artistic self-image. This development is accompanied by a philosophy of cooking as a speculative cultural technique. This volume investigates the dimensions of a new #on#culinary turn#off#, combining for the very first time contributions from the theory and practice (...)
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    Flirten met God: religiositeit zonder geloof.Koert van der Velde - 2011 - [Utrecht, Netherlands]: Ten Have.
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  31. Les vers d'or pythagoriciens.Pieter Cornelis van der Horst - 1933 - In Walter Rathmann, Stettner & Pieter Cornelis van der Horst (eds.), Pythagoreanism II. New York: Facsimiles-Garl.
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  32. Magdalena Äbi Und Kan, Oder, Das Unendliche Urteil.Jan van der Meulen - 1951 - A. Hain.
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  33. Multiple Readings of vygotsky.René van der Veer - 2008 - In B. van Oers (ed.), The Transformation of Learning: Advances in Cultural-Historical Activity Theory. Cambridge University Press.
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    Plutarchea Lovaniensia: A Miscellany of Essays on Plutarch.L. Van der Stockt (ed.) - 1996 - Lovanii [Belgium]: Peeters.
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  35. RECENSIES-PATRICIA DE MARTELAERE, Mencius. Inleiding, vertaling en commentaar.Karel van der Leeuw - 2009 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 101 (2).
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    Tertullian and Augustine on Titus 3, 10-11.L. J. van der Lof - 1993 - Augustinus 38 (149-151):511-525.
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    The Double Edge of Legitimation: The Micro Dynamics in Framing Corporate Community Involvement.Judith van der Voort & Lucas Meijs - 2007 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 18:271-276.
    This article draws on the results of an inductive qualitative study on the microdynamics of framing corporate community involvement. Insight is provided into these dynamics by using the metaphor of a social movement and drawing on that literature’s framing perspective. Based on accounts of diverse organizational members, we identify several double edges in framing CCI as a strategic issue, and we develop a model that helps to understand why and how strategizing CCI may be controversial.
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    The Pheasant Cap Master.K. L. van der Leeuw - 1998 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 60 (1):190-193.
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    What do we talk about when we talk?: speculative grammar and the semantics and pragmatics of focus.Johan van der Auwera - 1981 - Amsterdam: Benjamins.
    This monograph deals with the aboutness of language.
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    Proof-number search.L. Victor Allis, Maarten van der Meulen & H. Jaap van den Herik - 1994 - Artificial Intelligence 66 (1):91-124.
  41. Two-Phase Deontic Logic.Leon Van der Torre & Yao-hua Tan - 2000 - Logique Et Analyse 43 (171-172).
  42.  48
    The ARSQ 2.0 reveals age and personality effects on mind-wandering experiences.B. Alexander Diaz, Sophie Van Der Sluis, Jeroen S. Benjamins, Diederick Stoffers, Richard Hardstone, Huibert D. Mansvelder, Eus J. W. Van Someren & Klaus Linkenkaer-Hansen - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Some Exponential Lower Bounds on Formula-size in Modal Logic.Hans van Ditmarsch, Wiebe van der Hoek & Petar Iliev - 2014 - In Rajeev Goré, Barteld Kooi & Agi Kurucz (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic, Volume 10: Papers From the Tenth Aiml Conference, Held in Groningen, the Netherlands, August 2014. London, England: CSLI Publications. pp. 139-157.
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  44. The Appropriation of the Original and the Own. Derrida's Critical Questions with Respect to Heidegger's Concept of Translation.Gert-Jan van der Heiden - 2009 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 71 (2):305-329.
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    Litotes and downward monotonicity.Ton Van der Wouden - 1996 - In Heinrich Wansing (ed.), Negation: a notion in focus. New York: W. de Gruyter. pp. 145.
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    You do not find your own face faster; you just look at it longer.Christel Devue, Stefan Van der Stigchel, Serge Brédart & Jan Theeuwes - 2009 - Cognition 111 (1):114-122.
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  47.  19
    The Roles of Social Value Orientation and Anticipated Emotions in Intergroup Resource Allocation Decisions.Suzanna Awang Bono, Job van der Schalk & Antony S. R. Manstead - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  48. Quantum mechanics, Mathematics, Cognition and Action. Proposals for a Formalized Epistemology.Mioara Mugur-Schächter & Alwyn van Der Merwe (eds.) - 2002 - Kluwer Academic Publisher.
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    Cohen, Collective Responsibility, and Economic Democracy.Harry van der Linden - 1991 - Il Cannocchiale: Rivista di Studi Filosofici 1:345-361.
    My main objective in this paper is to show that Hermann Cohen's ethics offers an important but hitherto neglected contribution to the- current debate within Anglo-American ethics on the moral status of the modern business corporation.
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    Collective Intention Revision from a Database Perspective.Marc Van Zee, Mehdi Dastani & Leon van der Torre - unknown
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